Dentaluna Oral and Dental Health Center
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Habits That Damage Teeth

Oral and dental health actually means whole body health. Because all of the vital processes such as eating and drinking take place through the mouth, and everything that is eaten or drunk with an unhealthy mouth goes to the stomach in an unhealthy way. In addition, it is a fact that unhealthy teeth and gums are very painful and painful. In fact, many people complain that the highest pain in life is toothache. Also, in case of tooth loss in the future, oral health and eating and drinking comfort will never be the same. Because although a new tooth can be replaced by different methods, there will be no comfort given by his own tooth. In addition to all this, the fact that an unhealthy mouth means an incredibly bad breath is an extra disturbing problem. Because bad breath; It is a very serious health problem that disturbs the people around as well as the person, harms the social environment, and makes even eating and drinking unpleasant. All of these are the result of people continuing unhealthy habits that harm teeth.
While the importance of oral and dental health is known all over the world, unfortunately in our country, the data on oral and dental health and the rate of sensitivity of people are not as expected. Namely; While the rate of having decayed, missing or filled teeth in people aged 35-44 is % 10.8, this rate rises to % 25.8 among the 65-74 age group. In other words, we, as a nation, do not pay due attention to our oral and dental health, we do not apply to a health institution for early treatment in dental and gingival problems and do not take any precautions. However, as mentioned above, unhealthy teeth and gums; It adversely affects all organs, especially the heart, kidney and stomach, and can trigger chronic diseases such as diabetes and stomach ulcers. an unhealthy mouth; Premature birth in pregnant women increases the risk of low and low weight babies, negatively affects the health of the whole body. Therefore, it is very important to have healthy teeth and gums in order to maintain general health. The most important factor that causes damage to the teeth is the harmful habits that have become routine in daily life, most of which are not even known to be mistakes. First of all, it is necessary to know these harmful habits and stay away from them in order to protect oral and dental health and thus the health of the whole body.
Habits harmful to teeth
Using a bottle
Using a bottle may make it easier for babies to feed and sleep. However, having a bottle in the mouth all night or for a few hours is both dangerous and harmful for the development of teeth. Sweet juices, milk and ready-to-eat foods in the bottle harm their teeth, and long-term sucking can cause some problems during the eruption of the teeth. In this regard, the bottle should be removed from the mouth after babies who use a bottle go to sleep.
Consuming too much tea, coffee and cigarettes
Everyone knows that cigarettes, tea and coffee make your teeth yellow. In particular, harmful substances in cigarettes are one of the important causes of tooth and gum diseases, as well as aesthetic discoloration. In addition, smoking; It can cause lip, tongue and mouth cancer. In this respect, it would be right not to smoke at all and to consume less tea and coffee, due to both aesthetic concerns and the risk of deterioration of dental and gingival health.
Clenching or grinding teeth, especially at night
Some people grind and clench their teeth in their sleep, and even complain that their gums hurt when they wake up in the morning. It is known that the clenching problem usually occurs due to stress. uncontrollably clenching teeth; It causes tooth wear, cavities and gum recession. In this context, first of all, it is recommended to take care not to consume hard foods during the day and to apply to a dentist as soon as possible for people who grind or clenched their teeth at night.
Excessive consumption of acidic and sugary foods, fruit juices
Although sugary and acidic foods, fruit juices and other beverages are enjoyable, they are definitely harmful for the whole body, especially for oral and dental health. Excessive consumption of acidic foods and energy drinks during the day causes sugar and acid attacks on the teeth. These foods are known to cause tooth decay and especially in babies with milk teeth, such drinks cause tooth loss. Although ready-made fruit juices contain many vitamins, they can be very harmful due to the sugar and additives they contain. Instead of these, eating fruit or squeezing the juice of the fruit at home will be healthier for the teeth and the whole body.
snacking too much
The majority of snacks contain harmful additives and extra sugar, fat, salt. These also have harmful effects on dental and oral health. In this respect, snacking frequently during the day, especially consuming sugary foods in between, increases the risk of food items remaining between the teeth. For this reason, while it is harmful to consume junk food frequently, not cleaning these foods with dental floss or toothbrush causes the teeth to rot in a short time.
breaking something with teeth

Breaking hard-shelled foods such as hazelnuts and walnuts with teeth and trying to open bottle caps with teeth are very harmful for teeth. In such cases, the teeth can crack, wear and even break.

  • Chewing sugary gum frequently

Chewing gum can be a very popular habit. However, frequent chewing of sugary gums negatively affects oral and dental health. When the sugars in the gums stay in the mouth too much, it causes tooth decay.

  • Piercing the lips, tongue and teeth
Tongue piercings come in contact with the teeth and cause scratches and damage, while tooth piercings can crack and break the teeth. In the same vein, lip piercings can do harm in a similar way. The presence of metal objects on the tongue, teeth and lips and their rubbing against the gums can damage the gums and cause tooth loss over time. Piercings can also lead to bacterial growth in the mouth.
brushing teeth incorrectly
The most basic of teeth cleaning is brushing teeth at least 2 times a day. Brushing in a shorter time than necessary, brushing the teeth too hard, and hard bristles can cause erosion of the cement layer in the roots and the opening of the dentin layer. These can cause tooth and gingival sensitivity. Experts teeth; They state that it should be brushed for 2 minutes in the morning and evening, with a brush with medium-hard bristles, with oval, soft movements and massaging the gums. In addition, it will be correct to clean between the teeth with dental floss in the evenings. and a routine dental examination every 6 months for healthy teeth and gums.
Unhealthy eating
Unhealthy diet, nutritional disorders, insufficient nutrition and especially consuming too much sweets cause tooth decay. However, stomach problems and frequent vomiting can cause tooth decay, erosion and tooth decay.

All statements on the website are for informational purposes only. These notifications do not take the place of medical examination and diagnosis.

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