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Orthodontic Braces Treatment

Orthodontic Braces Treatment

Braces are tools in the field of orthodontics that are attached to the teeth in order to eliminate facial defects in the upper and lower jaws. When the braces treatment is done on time, the disorders in the jaw development of children can be corrected. In addition, only interdental crookedness in adults can be treated with this method. If children have such problems, they should be examined when they reach the age of 7-8 at the earliest. Since the molars and front teeth are in place in children at this age, it should not be neglected to have them examined and treated. Braces treatment, which will be started early, will end in a shorter time. In this way, tooth distortions that may occur in older ages can also be prevented.

How are braces attached?

Braces are an indispensable element of fixed braces. The brackets, produced by various companies with different materials, can be made of porcelain, metal and composites. The most commonly used braces are those made of metal. Since porcelain braces are white and tooth-colored, they are preferred for children who make braces a problem. Again, it is preferred in adults from an aesthetic point of view. Brackets come in two different types as lingual brackets that can be placed on the front of the teeth and attached to the back. There is an acclimation period within 3-10 days after the braces are placed. Although some tingling pain may occur in the teeth during this process, this is a temporary situation.

What does braces do?

Braces are generally used for dental irregularities in children and jaw used in disorders. The wires attached to the teeth function for 1-1.5 years. Braces that stay in place for longer than that happen in people who have disrupted treatment. The treatment is completed when the teeth become fully closed mutually. This application, which has no harm in terms of health, is also recommended for adults with crooked teeth. Permanent teeth, located under the milk teeth, are in return for each milk tooth. When this order in the teeth is not healthy, the teeth grow in different directions and are directed towards the inside of the cheek and the palate. In these problems, orthodontic wire should be used. Wires do not affect the length and width of the teeth in development. If the structure of the teeth is small, it does not change it in any way. It can be used effectively for all teeth in case of gaps and distortions in the structure of the teeth.

What should those who wear braces pay attention to?

People who use braces should pay attention to its cleaning. People who have the freedom to eat and drink whatever they want during nutrition should not eat only sticky foods. It is recommended not to eat these foods as they will stick to the wires during consumption. This problem can also cause the brackets to break. If such things stick to the wires, this problem can cause the wires to play, causing bacteria to form. Apart from this, it would be a right behavior not to consume cola drinks too much. The cleaning of the braces is the most important element, as the bacteria formed in the braces that are not properly cleaned will cause cavities in the teeth.

What to do when braces are damaged?

During the applied orthodontic treatments, in some cases, the brackets may break. These are caused by factors such as consuming hard substances, chewing gum, consuming sticky products such as jelly beans and Turkish delight. These can cause the brackets to break. Rarely, an emergency can occur when these treatments are administered. However, breaking the bracket does not cause any harm to the person. If the bracket is broken, the necessary information should be given to your doctor. The broken piece is glued in place by the doctor.

Is braces treatment painful?

People do not feel any pain during the treatment of braces, that is, if they are placed in the mouth. However, some problems may occur in the first acclimation period, that is, within 3-10 days. There may be some discomfort due to the pressure exerted to move your teeth. But this situation passes just like a period of getting used to glasses. Just as one gets used to wearing glasses, braces are also used in this process. The pain that occurs is only enough to cause sensitivity. These effects are eliminated with painkillers and mouthwashes.

How long does braces treatment take?

In the treatment of braces, the application times are different in each case. Although the patient's age is young, if the patient has a skeletal disorder, the treatment lasts for 2-2.5 years. Tooth movements in adults are slower than in children. In the case of skeletal disorders in adults, other treatments other than braces may be required. Braces treatments usually take between 1.5-2 years on average.

Is braces treatment expensive?

Braces treatments are not costly. The reason for this is that if the patient's teeth are wanted to be solved with applications such as prosthesis, it will cost more than braces treatment. Don't let the long duration of braces treatment, that is, orthodontic treatment, make you think. This treatment aims that patients' own teeth are in the wrong position and this needs to be corrected. After the targeted treatment, patients will have a more beautiful smile with their own teeth.

Do braces leave stains?

Considering that braces treatment takes 1.5-2 years on average, there may be stains under the braces during the removal phase. However, this only happens in people who have not given importance to oral hygiene during the treatment. When the brackets are removed, there may be tooth decay under them. What is called staining on the teeth is actually the formation of dental caries. During the treatment to oral care There is no dental caries in those who pay attention.

Is braces treatment used for deformities that may occur in the future?

Braces treatment can be used to eliminate possible deformities in the teeth. It is possible to prevent them with orthodontic treatment in order to protect the position of the milk teeth that were removed in the early period or if the dentist determines that a possible anomaly may occur in the teeth. But for this, patients need to go to the dentist at an early age. It is appropriate to take children to the dentist from the age of 5. In this way, it is possible to detect orthodontic anomalies at an early age.

How are braces used for children?

The most useful of the orthodontic braces used in some cases in children are the ones that can be inserted and removed. These can be easily used by children. It is both easy to clean and simple to install. It does not cause pain when inserted into the mouth. Some children do not like to use braces. The sight of it bothers them. Thin wires can be used in these children. The wires, called invisible wires, are ceramic and white in color. Apart from this, there are also braces attached to the back of the teeth. Such wires are used in patients with problems and aesthetic concerns. All other braces are visible from the front. Apart from these types, there are also braces with colored brackets and rubbers. These are produced to appeal to children. Because children can choose to use the colors of their favorite football team. The most commonly used braces are those made of metal.

Do adults have aesthetic braces?

Adults have aesthetic braces that are made of porcelain and are the same color as the teeth. These can be noticed very closely. However, they move slower than metal ones. Also, when compared to metal braces, porcelain The ones that are larger will be larger and have the potential to break. Despite all these negativities, porcelain braces have a great role in adults' acceptance of orthodontic treatment.

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